Life in Paestum today unfolds between the two poles of tourism and agriculture.

In the design studio where we taught at Politecnico di Milano, students work on light architecture for contemporary life in nowadays Paestum. The students worked on a variety of projects, including a canopy in the archeological area and a cheese factory on the city ancient wall.

A cheese factory next to the ancient walls.
Students: Riccardo Aquino, Gianmarco Bellocchio, Minghui Zhang, Ruojing Xiong. Photo by Piercarlo Quecchia.

A bar on the excavations.
Students: Bimo Imbalo Rahmatullah, Jin Lin, Albin, Joseph. Photo by Piercarlo Quecchia.

A canopy on the ruins.
Students: Carlotta Assirelli, Aurora Crocicchia, Yifei Yuan. Photo by Piercarlo Quecchia.

Entrance to the archeological area. Students: Emma Latis, Julia Mae Vennitti. Photo by Piercarlo Quecchia.